Returns range of the given inputs and a previously calculated range
@param {number | array[numbers]} input - A number or array representing the values to be evaluated
@param {array[numbers]} cummulativeRange - A array representing the current range of values seen up until this point
@return {array} A range of the given inputs
export function cummulativeRangePoints(input, cummulativeRange) {
if(Array.isArray(input) && Array.isArray(input[0])) {
throw new Error('cummulativeRangePoints: input has too many dimensions');
if(!cummulativeRange || !cummulativeRange[0] || !cummulativeRange[1]) {
cummulativeRange = Array.isArray(input) ? [input[0], input[0]] : [input, input];
} else {
if(cummulativeRange.length != 2) {
throw new Error('cummulativeRangePoints: cummulativeRange length != 2');
if(typeof cummulativeRange[0] != 'number' || typeof cummulativeRange[1] != 'number') {
throw new Error('cummulativeRangePoints: values in cummulativeRange are not numbers');
const testMinMax = (val) => [Math.min(cummulativeRange[0], val), Math.max(cummulativeRange[1], val)]
if(typeof input == 'number') {
return testMinMax(input);
input.forEach(val => { cummulativeRange = testMinMax(val) });
return cummulativeRange;