Class Summary
Static Public Class Summary | ||
public |
Class representing a Neural Network |
public |
Class representing a tensor |
Function Summary
Static Public Function Summary | ||
public |
avgPoints(pointArr: array, pointSums: array): array Returns the average of x values and y values in a 2 dimensional array |
public |
Returns a value that, when multiplied with variable, weight, and error arguments, will result in a value of the same magnitude as the result argument. |
public |
balanceMagnitudeArray(inputArr: array[number], weightArr: array[number], error: number): array[number] Returns an array of values that, when multiplied with variable, weight, and error arguments, will result in a value of the same magnitude as the result argument. |
public |
cummulativeAvgPoints(input: number | array[numbers], cummulativeAvg: number, cummulativeN: number): number Returns average value of the given input and a previously calculated average |
public |
cummulativeRangePoints(input: number | array[numbers], cummulativeRange: array[numbers]): array Returns range of the given inputs and a previously calculated range |
public |
Returns an error value from inputs and weights |
public |
Returns an expected result using supplied inputs and weights |
public |
gradientStep(weightArr: array[numbers], input: array[numbers], error: number, learningRateArr: array[number]): array Returns a new set of weights |
public |
interceptOLS(lineObj: object, avg: array): number Returns the intercept for a line of an Ordinary Least Squares regression |
public |
meanSquaredErrors(pointArr: array, lineObj: object): number Returns the MSE of a 2D coordinate array |
public |
ols_regression(pointArr: *): object Returns an object representing the ordinary least squares line |
public |
sigmoidCurve(x: number): number Returns the position x in a sigmoid curve |
public |
Returns the position x in a derivative sigmoid curve |
public |
sumPoints(pointArr: array): array Returns the sum of x values and y values in a 2 dimensional array |
public |
sumSquaredErrors(pointArr: array, lineObj: object): number Returns the SSE (sum of squared errors) for a 2D coordinate array |
public |
sumSquaredResiduals(pointArr: array, avg: array): number Returns the SSR (sum of squared residuals) for a 2D coordinate array |